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Macanta - Create a custom CRM and process automation system without writing | Groww your SaaS business

Macanta – Create a custom CRM and process automation system without writing a line of code




Business overview

Macanta is a powerful no-code solution that functions as a custom CRM and process automation system for all your business needs.

You can build a custom interface for different users based on their role in your business and what they need to accomplish.Plus, you can customize fields, field types, sub-sections, and sections to organize information based on your own preferences, so nothing gets lost in the shuffle.

Macanta’s relationship management features let you specify the type of relationship people have with your business.The automation engine lets you set up trigger conditions, trigger actions, and action payloads to speed up repetitive tasks.

Macanta is a custom solution that lets you organize and automate your processes without any coding skills or expensive experts.


  • Create a custom CRM for your business without writing a line of code
  • Alternative to: Salesforce
  • Set up automated processes for your business with intuitive trigger conditions and trigger actions
  • Best for: Lawyers, accountants, and real estate businesses that want to quickly manage and automate their workflows


Data Objects – Create custom data objects to represent the information in your business, not just Contacts and Opportunities

Relationships – Different humans have different relationships to the data in your business. Accurately represent those relationships in your CRM

If this then that automation engine – An incredibly intuitive yet powerful automation engine, made up out of exactly the elements your business need

Contact notes and tasks – Apply notes to contacts to track their progress and history. Assign tasks to your team based on the status of a contact or user

Advanced search – Search any element of your business, not just names and emails

Dashboard widgets – Create custom dashboards for users, giving them an overview of what needs to be done, and allowing you to have a clear overview on the key data points in your business

Workflow boards – Create and access a visual representation of your business progress and processes on a Kanban-style board. Create any number of boards

Custom interface layout – When you create the Data Objects to match your business, you have complete control of the the fields, field types, sections and sub-sections which make up your CRM interface

Macanta queries – Easily create simple or complex saved searches, giving you immediate access to the data segments you want to see

Inline editing – Once you view the results of a Macanta Query, you can edit and update the data, without needing to access each contact indivdually

Trigger conditions – The ‘If This’ elements of the Macanta Automation Engine. You have complete freedom to set up under what conditions any automated process or action should be triggered

Trigger actions – The ‘Then That’ elements of the Macanta Automation Engine. This allows you to update any internal data elements in your system, or add a ‘payload’ of any of the other Actions available in Macanta – webhooks, SMS messages, emails etc.

Webhook actions – Send information from your Macanta system to any third party system or tool you are using, provided it has an open API

Email actions – Fully automated emails, with an easy to use drag and drop email builder

Field actions – Perform calculations and other data manipulation actions on the data in your system

Contact actions – Automatically apply notes or create tasks

User permission templates – With User Permission Templates you have the ability to create user permissions for the different job roles in your business. When a new member joins, a single click will give them the permissions which match their role

Open API – Macanta plays nice with everyone. You can create your own integrations between your Macanta CRM and any other system that has an API

Branding – You are creating your own CRM. Add your own logo and set the interface to match your brand colors

SMS/Text – Send automated or individual SMS/Text messages to contacts or groups of contacts, with full history view and live texting

Transparent data history – Easy access to the history of your data, including: Automation History, Data History and Relationship History


This deal provides lifetime access – 5 active users and 100 SMS/texts per month starts at $69

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Satus: Active

Price: $69

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Business KPI

Founded: 2020

Country:US:United States

Moz DA: 12

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